

Ligature Symbols


Ligature kudakurage Symbols by Kazuyuki Motoyama Symbol Ligature Unicode table table, cell E127 copy copy, files E038 cut cut, scissors E03b backspace backspace E010 alignleft alignleft E005 aligncenter aligncenter E004 alignright alignright E006 alignadjust alignadjust E003 italic italic E079 bold bold E01f underline underline E132 strike strike E159 emphasis emphasis E152 code code E032 link link, chain E082 quote quote E10b graph graph E05b magic magic, effect E089 brush brush E022 color color, palette E033 contrast contrast, adjust E001 ink ink, water E14a gradation gradation, grayscale E149 sepia sepia, grunge E14e invert invert E14b paint paint E09b paramater paramater, param, slider E09c crop crop E039 check check, ok E029 checkbox checkbox E02a checkboxempty checkboxempty E02b pc pc, display, computer E09e keyboard keyboard E07d mobile mobile, iphone, smartphone E078 horizontal horizontal E071 vertical vertical E138 web web E13f mail mail E08a shopping shopping, cart E119 dashboard dashboard E03c key key E07c sns sns, network E11f calendar calendar E15e dailycalendar dailycalendar E025 ban ban E012 remove remove, close E10f pen pen, pencil, write E09f eraser eraser E148 edit edit, addnew E041 tabs tabs E095 tag tag E128 setup setup, wrench, spanner E117 setting setting, gear E055 etc etc, ellipsis E043 clip clip, attach E030 bookmark bookmark E021 book book E020 album album E002 user user, you, human, man E137 friend friend, users E051 group group E05c frustrate frustrate E052 laugh laugh E07f wink wink E081 smile smile E11e surprise surprise E124 trouble trouble E12d male male, man E176 female female, woman, lady E175 game game E054 globe globe, global, earth E058 home home, house E072 building building E023 rss rss, feed E113 server server E16c sitemap sitemap E16d app app, application E009 memo memo E08d meal meal, dish, lunch E08c coffee coffee, cup E146 spa spa, onsen E177 college college E174 bag bag E173 present present, gift E109 umbrella umbrella E178 twinkle twinkle, spark, hot E073 crown crown E03a category category, drawer E028 circle circle E02e info info, information E075 help help E070 refreshbutton refreshbutton E14d terminal terminal E16e Symbol Ligature Unicode file file E048 print print E10a delete delete, trash E12c clear clear E02f save save, stock E115 upload upload E136 cloud cloud E031 folder folder E04c camera camera E026 photo photo, images E101 image image, img E074 barcode barcode E013 phone phone, call E100 music music E094 video video E139 playmedia playmedia E107 record record, mic, microphone E10d play play E106 pause pause E09d stop stop E123 eject eject E042 bell bell E014 volumeup volumeup E13d volumedown volumedown E13c volume volume, volumeoff E13b off off, power E098 light light, brightness E14c dark dark, darkness E147 lock lock E086 unlock unlock E134 flag flag E04a wifi wifi E140 time time E12b map map E08b geo geo E056 location location, direction E085 pin pin E103 walking walking E13e bicycle bicycle E015 car car E027 bus bus E024 plane plane, airport E105 compass compass E036 cursor cursor E166 pointer pointer E16b grab grab E169 arrowup arrowup E00e arrowright arrowright E00d arrowdown arrowdown E00b arrowleft arrowleft E00c up up E135 right right E112 down down E03e left left E080 back back E00f next next E096 dropdown dropdown E040 sort sort E120 good good, like E059 bad bad, nogood E011 full full E053 small small E11d move move E093 undo undo E133 forward forward E04e reply reply E111 share share E118 login login, in E087 logout logout, out E088 exchange exchange E045 shuffle shuffle, random E11a repeat repeat, retweet E110 refresh refresh, reload E10e sync sync E125 external external, newtab E046 addstar addstar E000 star star E121 starempty starempty E122 heart heart, love E06e heartempty heartempty E06f view view, eye E13a comment comment, balloon E034 comments comments, balloons E035 plus plus, add E108 minus minus E08f zoomin zoomin, zoom E142 zoomout zoomout E143 search search E116 menu menu E08e tilemenu tilemenu E12a list list E084 tile tile E129 notify notify E097


Symbol Ligature Unicode apple apple E00a android android E008 windows windows E151 ubuntu ubuntu E17b amazon amazon E007 facebook facebook E047 twitter twitter E12f vk vk E17c google google E05a yahoo yahoo E172 bing bing E164 hatena hatena E05d hatenabookmark hatenabookmark E161 digg digg E167 linkedin linkedin E083 myspace myspace E16a paperboy paperboy E162 mixi mixi E090 line line E157 mobage mobage E158 gree gree E153 skype skype E11b aim aim E163 yelp yelp E17d foursquare foursquare E04d pinterest pinterest E104 flickr flickr E04b Symbol Ligature Unicode tumblr tumblr E12e wordpress wordpress E171 blogger blogger E165 evernote evernote E044 dropbox dropbox E168 slideshare slideshare E179 github github E057 yapcasialogomark yapcasialogomark E15c dribbble dribbble E03f cookpad cookpad E037 instapaper instapaper E076 readability readability E10c gumroad gumroad E154 picasa picasa E102 instagram instagram E155 delicious delicious E03d youtube youtube E141 vimeo vimeo E170 ustream ustream E16f soundcloud soundcloud E17a chrome chrome E02c safari safari E114 sleipnir sleipnir, chess, knight E11c firefox firefox E049 opera opera E099 internetexplorer internetexplorer, ie E077


Please copy & paste this code to your HTML file or Stylesheet.

Simple use for mailto link.


Use tha icon with text.


Use tha icon with unicode.

Amazon/* CSS */@font-face { font-family: ‘LigatureSymbols’; src: url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.eot’); src: url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.eot?#iefix’) format(‘embedded-opentype’), url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.woff’) format(‘woff’), url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.ttf’) format(‘truetype’), url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.svg#LigatureSymbols’) format(‘svg’); src: url(‘LigatureSymbols-2.11.ttf’) format(‘truetype’); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;}.lsf, .lsf-icon:before { font-family: ‘LigatureSymbols’; -webkit-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; -moz-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; -ms-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; -o-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-font-smoothing: antialiased; -ms-font-smoothing: antialiased; -o-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-smoothing: antialiased;}.lsf-icon:before { content:attr(title); margin-right:0.3em; font-size:130%;}.lsf-icon.amazon:before { content: ‘E007’;}


You can get Ligature Symbols for free. This Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License for download and using.
Ligature Symbols has broad support for the modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, iOS – Mobile Safari, Android Browser).

Downloadver.2.11 – zip file : 391KB

How to make this font ?

Ligature Symbols is to display the symbol with a ligature features. I created this font by using FontForge (open source postscript font editor).
IF you want to learn more, you may read my blog entry.

About me

Kazuyuki Motoyama (kudakurage)

I have been working as a Web designer in Kyoto.
UI Design / App Design / Illustration / HTML5&CSS3 / Javascript / PHP